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Children and Music
Michigan Reads! Guide
 Play, Laughter, Song & Dance News Interview
Music & Motion KinderConcerts
Ann Arbor Symphony
This is our Spring 2020 KinderConcert (1st virtual ever)
This is our Winter 2021 KinderConcert
In Tune With Babies
Now I know my ABC's . . . Is That What It's All About?
So . . . What Can Those Babies Do?
Nurturing Baby & You: More Than the Music
Music & Movement For the Very Young
Music and Parenting: Somewhat Like A Symphony
What? Me, Teach Dance?

Interested in a Monthly Activity Idea or Sing With Me Summer Workshop?
For more information or request to be added to her mailing list, Send Gari an email 
Studies Tell Us
"Physical closeness with a parent provides children an opportunity for what Margaret Mahler called "emotional refueling", which forms a basis for secure separation, exploration, risk-taking and independence. This closeness can be encouraged through partner activities such as dances, games and relaxation."
Developing a Child's Sense of Security Through Music Working with Shy & Withdrawn Children. Jolanta Kalandyk-Gallagher
Australian National University. Early Childhood Connections Journal. (ECMMA) Winter 2003.
Margaret Mahler. On sadness & grief in infancy & childhood: Loss & restoration of the symbiotic love object.
"The first sense to develop in utero is touch, the second is hearing. The outer ear transfers sounds to the brain, while the vestibular system in the inner ear maintains balance."
"Since the fetus experiences all kinds of movements, the vestibular system is already programmed at birth to expect movement. Movement is necessary for stimulating the nervous system, with vestibular stimulation alerting, but also calming the infant-as in soothing effect that comes from rocking."
"If we were to use the metronome to monitor our own rocking pulse, we would discover that we spontaneously rock our babies at the same walking rhythm used during the later stages of pregnancy."
"Rocking is a natural tranquilizer, with the movement reminding the baby of being in the womb. In soothing infants, we introduce cadence and patterning in our voices; we rock, walk and they suck-all forms of rhythmic stimulations associated with the temporal patterning of social interaction."
"Music starts at the most basic level-with the tom-tom beat of the mother's heartbeat, rhythmic breathing and rhythmic movements-and this "music" stays in the lives of all human beings until death. Through music and touch, we learn to accept and communicate respectfully with each other."
"As we experience and learn more about the positive effects of music and touch and as we understand that affective touch combined with music is needed for healthy development and bonding, we realize that the next step is to implement music contact games in early childhood."
"Hugging is a universal component of songs for little children. Thus, preparing a baby lesson that includes touching, singing and playing is not that difficult. Babies are always interested in sounds, language and music, and they thrive on contact through touch."
"The challenge lies in well-balanced lessons with contact games, while taking into account the various mother-child relationships. Considerations and accommodation must be provided for the insecure or unattached child that may panic or are easily distracted." The Power of Music and Touch. The Educational Role of Adults and the Environment-Margre van Gestel-The Netherlands-Early Childhood Connections-Winter 2003
"What happens during the first few months and years of life matters a lot, not because this period of development provides an indelible blueprint for adult well-being, but because it sets either a sturdy or fragile stage for what follows." Shonkoff, Jack P. & Phillips, Deborah A. (eds.) (2000) From Neurons to Neighborhoods: The Science of E.C. development.
"Infants are musical actors, not just listeners. They are performers, not just a receptive audience...the participation of a child in a shared musicality proves that the forms and feelings of music are consequences of the inherent motives of human vitality." Trevarthen, Colwyn. Every Child is Musical: The Innate Joy & Pride of Musicality and Learning Music. (2002)
"Studies of communication behaviors in infants clearly demonstrate that musical behaviors are at the core of the social and emotional connections formed between parents and children...We know it's true that music in early childhood can make a difference in children's lives. But it's also important to understand that early music experience can affect people for years to come. Researchers who have investigated the 'strong memories' associated with musical experiences indicate the powerful role that music plays in the early stages of life." Gabrielsson, Alf. Music in Early Childhood: Setting a Sturdy Stage-Donna Brink Fox-Eastman School of Music. Rochester N.Y. Orff Echo. Winter 2003
Research and Articles:
Music and Movement 
When and How Do Children Start Composing Music
Exploring Movement with Toddlers and Dance
Where Has All The Singing Gone?
Why Music?
The Surprising Benefit of Moving and Grooving With Your Child
How music inspired free play can nurture creative young minds
Singing to Your Baby Can Help New Moms Recover Faster From Postnatal Depression
The Making of Music: Study proposes new theory of evolution of Infant-directed song
But They Learn to Need To...
Music Therapy: Why Auditory Processing is Developed Through Music and Movement
Music Key for Non-Verbal Children and With Speech and Language Delays
Music improves baby brain responses to music and speech
Music as a stand alone subject
Let's Play-R. Reijers
Jamming With Your Toddler: How Music Trumps Reading for Childhood Development
Music is Medicine and More Effective than Drugs at Managing Pain-J. Battaglia
Great News for People who Can't Sing
Brains Thrive on Patterns
The Power of Music Therapy
How does Music Stimulate Left & Right Brain Function?
Why Singing is So Important for your Young Child and You
What's so Important About Music & Movement Activities In Early Years
How All Humans got to be Music Experts
Music Helps Impoverished Children Perform Better in School
How to Use Musical Instruments with Preschool Children
18 Benefits of Playing a Musical Instrument
10 Reasons Why Your Child Should Play a Musical Instrument
Benefits of instrumental music group play for elementary and preschool children
Music Prepares People for Careers & Problem Solving
Talk, Read, Sing
Music Listening Preferences in Early Life
Value of Ring Around the Rosie
Why Steady Beat Matters
Using Music to Close the Academic Gap
Playing At Home With Music
Developing Social Skills Through Music
The Value of Rhymes, Stories and Songs in the ESL Classroom
Every Child Needs Music. Richard Gill Still Arguing 50 Years On
Early Music Lessons Have Longtime Benefits
Music For Your Health
The holistic learning outcomes of musical play for children with Down syndrome
When They're Very Young By Keith Powers
Teaching Music Journal. January 2012
NAfME/National Association for Music Education
"In kindergarten and beyond, students gradually develop their musical skills. But music aptitude develops much earlier-and teachers can begin to foster it in preschool."
Music and Parenting ~ Somewhat Like A Symphony
Developmental Concepts Enhanced through Music and Movement For 3-year-olds thru Pre-K
Music as Valuable Tool & What's in it For the Parent
Studies Tell Us
Research Findings & Quotes from Journal of Zero to Three - The Music Lives of Babies and Families
Mothers are Musical Mentors
Musically Speaking, Did You Know?
Blue Sky Thinking
The Wonder Weeks-Don’t Confuse them with Growth Spurts
Critical Components for Infant-Toddler Educators
Real Problems with Modern Infant Sleep Practices
Is self-soothing the biggest con of new parenthood?
Tired moms shouldn’t stress over babies sleep
Babies Should Sleep With Their Mothers Until Age Three New Research Claims
Stunning Image Shows the Science Behind Mother-Child Bond
What Babies Know About Their Bodies and Themselves
Baby Bath Basics
The Relation of Crying to SBS (Shaken Baby Syndrome)
Infants sync with moms during lullabies
Singing 'speeds up' recovery from post-natal depression
Baby, Interrupted- 7 Ways to Build Your Child's Focus and Attention Span
Bilingual babies listen to language
No Way to Treat a Baby
Trusting the Child
The Happiest Babies Aren't Shushed, Swung or Scheduled
Passing on Pacifiers
The Connected Vocabularies of 6-Month Olds
Simple Newborn Care Tip
Respect, Trust, Acceptance-Magda Gerber's Therapeutic Approach to Child Care
Newborn baby development has been vastly underestimated
The Importance of Pointing
10 Steps to Surviving the First Three Months with a Newborn
The 4 Biggest Myths about Flat Head Syndrome in Babies
Babies grasp speech before they utter their first words, a study finds
The power of lullabies and why you should sing them
The Journey Toward Postural Control
How to Help Your Baby Sleep Without Rocking
The Two Most Important Words When Changing Diapers: SLOW DOWN
A Creative Alternative to Baby TV Time
The Infant Need Experts Don't Talk About
Babies' Brain Responses to Touch Reveal Body Map
Why Physical Therapists Hate the Bumbo Seat
Research Says It's Ok to Pick Up Your Baby Each Time it Cries
RIE Parenting Basics (9 ways to put respect into action)
How Mother's Voice Shapes Baby's Developing Brain
Baby Boys More Vulnerable to Stress than Baby Girls
We Need to Show Up for New Moms
Babies and the Art of Observation
They Should've Warned Me
Tips and Tricks-Increasing Neck Strength and Head Control
Go slow, voice low
How to Bond With Your Baby (Beautifully)
Babies Use their Tongues to Understand Speech
Why Young Children Protest Bedtime: Evolutionary Mismatch
Set Me Free-Unrestricted Babies (and the equipment they don't need)
Rock 'N Play Risks: Making Well-Informed Baby Gear Decisions
The Fourth Trimester-Why Newborns Hate Being Put Down
The Dangerous Stroller Mistake Most Parents Make
New Study: Extravagant Affection in Infancy Leads to Healthier Happier More Relational Moral Adults
Baby Paraphernalia: A step in the wrong direction
Is "Cry it Out" Tip of Dangerous Parenting Iceberg?
Beware the Baby Bumbo Seat
This is What a Moms Voice Does to a Child's Brain
Infant crying, fussing and colic
The Newborn Play Activity Every New Parent Should Know
Blue Sky Thinking (for new parents)
Tickling Kids Can do More Harm Than Good
Why it's not just Colic or Fussiness
Why Playing Peekaboo is a Serious Matter
Singing to Children may help Development of Language Skills
Sensory Play-Don't Make the Mistake I did
Importance of Chattering Away to Babies
Babies are Musicians
Baby talk tips: Setting the foundation for Communication
Learning to Crawl Disrupts Infant Sleep
Why Parents Sing to Babies-J. Suttie 2016
It's not just postpartum depression-M. Acel-Green
Why you won't see a PT's kid using a baby walker
Safe remedies to soothe cold and flu symptoms-K. Miles
The Pitfalls of Some Modern Day Baby Equipment
5 Hard and Fast Rules for Post Delivery House Guests-S. Gooden
15 Adorable Facts About How Babies Learn-S. Farro
Milestones & Play Ideas for 3-4 months
Singing to Babies Calms them Longer Than Talking
6 Ways to Prevent Head Flat Spots-E. Bettis
No Way to Treat A Baby
Baby You are Born to Play
The Wearable Baby-A.Dodge
Empowering Our Babies With Rituals
The Myth of Baby Boredom
The Effect of Human Contact on Newborn Babies-B. Colia
Infants Use Expectations to Shape Their Brains-M.Hotchkiss
11 Comebacks for Parents of Babies Who do Not Sleep-E.J. Clark
Best Toys for Babies Don't do Anything
9 Surprising Things we Did When Our Baby Quit Sleeping
10 True Things About The First Year of Parenthood-K. Thurston
Surviving the Newborn Phase-R. Norman
What to do Instead of Rocking
Avoiding the Container Shuffle with Your Baby-N.Sergent
What I Wish I Said to New Mom I Just Met-K.Lawler
Strong Immune System for Life
Messy Children Make Better Learners
United We Feed: One Moms Campaign to end Bottle vs. Breast-C. Robertson
7 Benefits Undisturbed First Hour After Birth-S.McCulloch
The Subtleties of Baby Sleep
The Importance of Destructive Play
How Creeping & Crawling Influence Children's First Step in Education-S. Wayman
Tummy Time Help
Choosing a Stroller-Why Flat is Best for Development
Just Tell Me You Understand
Crawling Tips
Ten Things Everyone Should Know About Babies-D. Narvaez
What Babies Understand about Adult Sadness
Why we Should Lose Labels
Early Motor Skills and Language Development-Leonard and Hill, Goldsmiths, Univ. London
Lullabies Lower Heart Rates and Ease Pain in Children-F.Macre
Teething Symptoms are not as Bad as Parents Think-M. Moyer
Exercise Affects Baby Brains
Moving Together to Music Encourages Helping Behavior in Babies
Vestibular Exercises for Baby
5 Things Not to do to Babies-D. Narvaez
Digitally connected babies are not emotionally connected babies-S. Zeedyk
7 Myths that Discourage Independent Play
Babies: Competent & Capable from Birth-A. Hanscam
Peek-a-Boo: A Window on Baby's Brain-A. Lacey
Therapists see no Developmental from Bumbo Seats-J. Dearddorff
How to Prevent Flat Head Syndrome
Brain Research, Infant Learning, and Child Care Curriculum-R. Lally
Babies Learn Best Just Before a Nap
Babyspeak-what is your baby trying to tell you?-S. Shah
8 Reasons to Avoid Sleep Training Your Baby
The Complete Guide to Baby Carrying
The Case Against Tummy Time w/Video-Irene Lyon
Babying Crying Infants Matters
Infants Babble More When Parents 'Baby Talk'
To Mimic Us, Babies Use 'Body Maps' in Brain
Infants Create New Knowledge While Sleeping
Infant Temperaments may Reflect Parents Cultural Values
Baby Talk-Don't Miss the Magic
The High Cost of Neuromyths in Education (left/right brain myth)
Baby Sign Language-Does it Work?
Use Therapy Ball Make Tummy Time Easier and Fun
Making Tummy Time a Little Less Um-Miserable
How Does Crawling Develop
8 Ways to Use a Baby Play Table
What Happens to a Woman's Brain When She Becomes a Mother
Dutch Babies Trump US Peers in Laughing, Smiling, Cuddling
Dealing with Diaper Changing Disasters
A Second look at Adult Initiated Tummy Time for Infants
Baby Discipline Person to Person
Moving Together to Music Encourages Helping Behavior
The Science of Early Childhood Development
When Do Babies Learn Self-Control
Music to Help Premies Thrive in the NICU
No Way To Treat a Baby
Listen to Baby Babbles
Don't Stand Me Up
Baby Teamwork
Empowering our Babies with Rituals
Your Baby's Developmental Roadmap
Why Movement is so Important for Your Baby's Growth
The Case Against Tummy Time
Why Babies Like Boxes Best
Eye Patching Resources
Pincer Grasp Development
The Importance of Pointing
Babies' Brains Rehearse Speech Mechanics
Home Visiting Programs are Preschool in it's Earliest Form
Don't Contain Your Baby
How to Help Baby Become a Math Genius or Not
Low Muscle Tone
How to Stop Entertaining Your Baby
Infant Play
Sitting Babies Up
Toddlers Learning to Share
9 Reasons Not To Walk Babies
Baby Led Self-Feeding
3 Ways to Parent less & Parent Better
How Toys can Support Speech-Language Development
(Great ideas, but I would not encourage the use of toy phones with young children.)
Why Toddlers are So Exhausting
Babies' brains benefit from music classes, even before they walk and talk
Effects of music class for infants on brain and behavior
The Infant Need Experts Don't Talk About
Optimizing Early Brain and Motor Development Through Movement
Children Who Bite
Group: Apps Not Effective Tool For Teaching Babies
No Tummy Time Necessary
Power of Lullabies
Low Media Baby
Wait....The Magic Word
Babies and Screens
10 Ways to Promote Language and Communication Skills of Infants and Toddlers
What Your Baby Can't Tell You
Babies Know
Baby's PlayList
Opportunities to Connect
Cognitive Experiences for Infants
Babies Brains May Be Tuned to Language Before Birth
Best Toys for Babies Don't do Anything
Early Maternal Support May Positively Affect Brain Development
Babies Know When A Cuddle is Coming
Two Simple Things to Support New Baby
Babies Learn Words in the Womb
Sitting Babies Up-The Downside
Why Do You Sit Me Up?
What is Love? By Magda Gerber
Brain Science 
Musical Neurones Discovered in Brain-M. Boon
A brain link to autism-P. Reuell
Brain Development Altered by Early Childhood Depression
Why Green Spaces are Good for Your Kids-C. Mooney
Unexpected Brain Structures tied to Creativity-Rice & Saggar, Stanford Univ.
Learning Through Music: The Support of Brain Research-E. Carlton
What's Going on Inside the Brain of a Curious Child
Physical Activity Affects Cognition
Music & Language Are Processed By the Same Brain Systems
The Brain, Music and Singing
How Childhood Neglect Harms the Brain
How Playing Music Affects the Developing Brain
The Trouble with Brain Science
8 Things to Know About How Kids Learn
Your Brain Has Rhythm
Problems in Childhood Affect Brain Development
Dancing in Your Seat
Building Better Brains
Brain Builders - watch short video
Music Can Move Your Brain Waves to Benefit You!
Making Connections: How Children Learn
Brain-Body Connection
Teaching Our Children
Cross-Lateral Activities
How Music Affects Your Brain
Early Brain Development-What parents and caregivers need to know!
Body/Brain Connection
Why Music Makes Our Brain Sing
Babies' Brains Benefit from Music Lessons, Even Before They Can Walk and Talk
Modern Parenting May Hinder Brain Development, Research Shows
Brain Power: Five Ways Neuroscience Will Change Education
Early Brain Development Research Review and Update
Growth and Development 
Why You Shouldn’t Send Your Child to Preschool
Children Need to Run Around All Day
What if Everything You Knew About Disciplining Kids Was Wrong?
Unsolicited Evaluation is the Enemy of Creativity
7 Facts About Your Child’s Prefrontal Cortex That Are Game Changers
Standford researchers show were sending many children to school way too early
If Kindergarten Wasn’t So Much Like 1st Grade, We Wouldn’t Need to Delay It
The Culture of Childhood. We’ve Almost Destroyed It
Kids with ADHA must squirm to learn, study says
The Benefits of Art for Kids
You’ll Be Sorry-Children and Apologies
Importance of Destructive Play for Infants and Toddlers
Crawling Development: Too many 4 year old kids who can’t crawl: Study
A toddler’s night waking
Depression in Preschool Changes the Brain
The Joy and Sorrow Rereading Holt's "How Children Learn"
The Case for Old-School Kindergarten: Why We Need to Let Our Kids Play
Why Toddler's Need More Respect
It's Science: Toddlers are Happier with Fewer Toys
Best Ways to Raise Problem Solvers
This Very Real Very Important Work
Goodbye Paperwork, Hello Happy Children
Share...Wait Your Turn ...Don't Touch ...Playdate Rules That Limit Learning (And What to Try Instead)
4 Reasons to Ditch Academic Preschools
What Kids Need From Grown-ups (But Aren't Getting)
Don't Show, Don't Tell?
The Problem with The 'Eat it or Starve' Approach
Being Barefoot Benefits Brain Development and More!!
Importance of Destructive Play for Toddlers
Behind Every Child Behavior, There is a Feeling
Spinning, Rolling and Swinging. Oh My!
10 Sensory Red Flags You Might be Missing
Evidence Based Reasons to Incorporate Movement to Classroom Instruction
Researchers studied kindergarteners' behavior and followup up 19 years later. Here are the findings
Death to the behavior chart! 3 reasons to resist the lure of punishments and rewards
Why Kids Need Upside Down Play
We thought our son had ADHD-what we were told blew our minds
What Sensory Therapists Can Teach Us About Feeding Picky Kids
Toys to Help Your Child Learn How to Jump
You Can't Force Sharing. You Can Only Inspire It
Anxiety or Aggression? When Anxiety in Children looks like Anger, Tantrums or Meltdowns
It's Not Just Hormones
Most People are Secretly Threatened by Creativity
No Evidence to Back Idea of Learning Styles
Let Them Eat Dirt! Our Obsession with Hygiene is Jeopardizing Our Children's Health-E. Steafel
"Read it Again!" The Story of Story Time
Math Talk w/Preschoolers... Say What?
The Problem Begins with Poor Handwriting-Pencil Grip and Fine Motor Development
Want Your Kids to Tell You About Their Day… Try This
Sensory Processing Explained/Oral Sensory System
Learning to Write and Draw
Why Kids Should Keep Using Their Fingers to do Math
Sensory Processing Explained-Oral Sensory System
THIS is Process
Art vs. Craft: The Difference in What Children Learn
Why Children are Terrible at Hiding
Children will teach Themselves to Read when they are Ready
Gravitational Insecurity Creates Fight or Flight Response & Sensory Defensiveness
Handwriting Development: When Milestones aren't Developed the "Write" Way Brain Building Activity Suffers
Why Typical Preschool Crafts Are a Total Waste of Time
How the New Preschool is Crushing Kids-E. Christakis
W-sitting. Problem or solution
Unlocking the Secrets of Childhood-P. Howard-Jones
Self-Esteem May be Set by Age 5-R. Nauert
How do Teachers Feel About their Quiet Students-S. Cain
Growing Early Friendships
Rip Those Behavior Charts off the Wall & Burn Them-T. Tagart
A Therapist Goes to Middle School and Tries to Sit Still and Focus. She Can't Neither Can the Kids
Talking to Parents About Special Needs in Preschool
The Danger of Back to School-P. Gray
When Success Leads to Failure
Bedtime Stories for Young Brains
Who Should Diagnose Autism Spectrum Disorders-L. Rudy
Is it Autism? What Should I Do?
Why High Functioning Autism is so Challenging
10 Obvious Truths about Educating Kids that Keep Getting Ignored-V. Strauss/Alfie Kohn
Common core aligned basic facts of Human Development-J. Ganem, Loyola University Maryland
How early academic training retards intellectual development-P. Gray
Reading Readiness has to do with the Body-L.G. Weldon
Why Day Dreaming Critical to Learning-K. Schwartz (Daniel Levitin)
Kids with ADHD must squirm to learn-M. Schleub-Univ. Central Florida
Why Accelerating Reading Harms Kids and Books
Kids with ADHD need to Move in Order to Learn-F. Macdonald
5 Tips to Help Kids who Chew on Everything
Importance of Art in Child Development-G. Hwang Lynch
10 Secrets to Raising Good Listeners
Yoga and Mindfulness for Young Children
The Science of Resilience
Embodied Learning Across the LifeSpan-Topics in Cognitive Science-2012-Dept of Psyc-U of Chicago
90% of Child's Brain Develops in First 5 Years
A Toddler Who Bangs her Head
The Power Sensations-Your Sensory Foundation
Guides-Activities Enhancing Executive Function Skills
Top 10 Skills Children Learn from the Arts
Skill Development from Birth to 5
12 Reasons Not to Use Technology in Schools for Under 12
Your Toddlers Developmental Roadmap
A Long Childhood Feeds the Brain
Computers and Early Childhood
A Treasure Chest of Alfie Kohn
How Art Encourages Creativity and Other Development Too
What Children Learn By Imitating You
Groups and Forced Participation
Auditory Sensory Processing Explained
Anxiety and Disruptive Behavior
How to Kill Child's Creativity
Why Children Fidget & What we Can Do About It
Children and Themes
Calendar Time-Good Intentions Gone Awry
Children Lose When Rushed Through Life
Parenting that Engages the Mind
Alternatives to Sitting at Desks
Why We Need More Contact With Nature
School Readiness is all about Safety & Connection
Children and Apologies
The Downside of "Grit"
Infants Unable to use Blocks due to iPad Addiction
Give Boredom a Chance
Children Prefer Sports to be Non-Competitive
Puzzles Better Than 3Rs
The Gifted and Sensory Connection
Parenting in the Age of Plenty
Teach Kids to Daydream
Parental Involvement Overrated
Too much-Too Soon
A Parents Pain
Picky Eater S.O.S.
Definition and Activities for Proprioception
Sensory Processing: What Does Vestibular Mean?
Enjoying Healthy Meals
I Can't Do It!
Emotional Health
What You Know or Don't Know About Child Development Could Be Affecting Your Child
The Disturbing Transformation of Kindergarten
Sensory Integration
Brochures and Handouts
Bright Children Should Start School at Six
Why Toddlers Won't Follow Directions
Young Children Develop in an Environment of Relationships
Playing the Get What you Want Game
Raising Your Child to be a Trailblazer
Why School Shouldn't be Like School
Crisis in the Kindergarten
Too Much: Too Young: Should Schooling Start at Age 7?
The "Soft," "Non-Cognitive" Skills are Hard, Cognitive and Critical
Speaking Tonal Language Primes Brain for Musical Training
Neuroscience and Myths
Pressure-Cooker Kindergarten
Why Your Kids Learn More When They Don't Share
Transforming the Cute Curriculum into Authentic Learning
10 Things to Stop Saying to Your Kids and What to Say Instead
Separating fact and Fiction in Brain Based Learning
Live Music's Charms, Soothing Premature Hearts
What Your Toddler Thinks Of Discipline
How Nature Makes Kids Calmer, Healthier and Smarter
Insights From the Youngest Minds
Auditory and Visual Discrimination Difficulties and Activities to Develop and Strengthen From A-Z of Special Needs for Every Teacher
Too much, too soon
Journey Through Early Childhood - The First Five Years
Language and Literacy 
Reading Readiness Has To Do With the Body
Tips on Learning to Talk
Handheld screen time linked with speech delays in young children
Advantages of Learning to Read Later
Books That Teach Children How to Include Others
Brilliant Book Recommendations for Kids
Goodbye Calendar Time
New Study Finds the Real Key to Literacy
5 Tips to Help Your Toddler Learn Language and Communicate
The Art Of Connection
The surprising meaning and benefits of nursery rhymes-M. Sizer
Great News for People who Read Actual Books-R. Grate
Pointing Leads to Better Speech in Toddlers
The Surgeon Who Became an Activist for Baby Talk-C. Turner
Literacy & Language Outcome of Balanced and Developmental Approaches to Early Childhood Education: A Systematic Review-B. Chambers
Reading Readiness Has to do with Body
Dos and Dont's of Reading Aloud
Reading to Children Activates Brain-J. Hutton
Is childhood art key to developing language literacy?-V. Zacharias
Singing to Children may Help Development of Language Skills-A. Hill
What Age Children are Ready for School
Singing to Children and Development of Language Skills
Early Childhood Language Delay Marker for ASD
How Libraries Reach Kids Before They Can Read
Picture Walk
Exercise Improves Early Literacy
True Readiness
Children Are Not Helped by Reading Too Early
10 Reasons Why Kids Need To Know Nursery Rhymes
How Babies Brains Practice Speech
School Starting Age
Building Language With Art
Red Flags and Speech Development
What is Babbling?
iPads May Harm Language Development
The Case for Drawing & Doodling
Building Language with Music
Why Talking to Kids Really Matters
How Blowing Bubbles Help Language
Read Interactively
The Power of Being Heard and Helping Children Put it into Words....
Language Gap Study
Language development 24-36 mos.
Ability to Keep Beat Linked to Language Skills
Early Literacy 24-36 mos.
5 Nursery Rhyme Ideas for Language Development
Fun Song for Learning Silent E
Early Literacy
Developmental Milestones of Early Literacy
The Baby Brilliant Project
Learning Literacy Through Music-Kelsey Tarbert
Music, Movement & Early Literacy. Mcewing, Hayley Elece
It’s Not Good Enough to Be "Just Fine"
The Case for Old School Kindergarten:Why We Need to Let Our Kids Play
Playing With Children: Should You, and If So, How?
Do Theater Experiences Improve Pretend Play and Cooperation
Unstructured play is actually so important for kids + their brain development-so set them free
Decluttering the emotional environment over scheduled days and too many transitions
Why is play one of 5 key areas Natural Child Development believe form foundation for learning and education
Why young kids Learn Through Movement
Behavior Guidance Techniques
42 Quotes on the Importance of Play
Helping Toddlers Succeed at Park, Social Situations
In Defense of Play
The Shift in the Way Society Values Kindergarten
K and Preschool Teachers: Last Stand in War on Childhood
Adult Led Activities are Not Play
How Twisted EC Education has Become from a Child Development Expert-V. Strauss
Stop Intervening When Kids Squabble-L. Skenazy
Why Adults have to stop trying so darn hard to control how children play-V. Strauss
What does play look like? - E. Moreno
Slowing Down Stimuli to Real Time Helps a Child's Brain-E. Westervelt
The Play Deficit-P. Gray
What if they Spend their Whole Childhood Playing
7 Myths that Discourage Independent Play
How Schools have Ruined Recess
Benefits of Fantasy Play for Children-A. Morgan
Scientists Claim time on Playground more Beneficial than Classroom
Why We Need Play-S. Brown
Play, Spirit and Character-S. Brown
Less Outdoor Play Causing More Harm than Good-A. Hanscom
Early Academic Training Produces Long Term Harm
The Problem with Kindergarten
A Really Scary Headline About Kindergartens
The Importance of Playing-Puttering and Pretending-M. Axness/Dr. Greene
Why Playing Outdoors makes Children Smarter-S. Loscalzo
Report Debunks 'Earlier is Better' Academic Instruction for Young Children-V. Strauss
Defending the Early Years-L. Katz
Academics vs Play Based Preschool Debate
Less-structured time in children's daily lives predicts self-directed executive functioning
Why Kids More Aggressive on Playground-V. Strauss
Why Kids Need to Move, Touch & Experience to Learn-K. Schwartz
Ways to Let a Little More Risk into Your Child's Day
Why Preschool Shouldn't be like School-Alison Gopnik
Are We Still Talking about Whether Boys Should Play with Dolls?
Let the Children Play
The Dirt on Dirt
Five Things you Should Know about Play Based Learning
The Last Generation of Kids That Played Outside
Pretend Play is Important
Under Fives Need More Time to Play
Kids whose time is less structured are better able to meet their own goals
The Building Blocks of a Good Pre-K
Why Children Fidget
On Play, Spirit and Character
Less Structure Better Able to Meet Own Goals
The Magic of Toy Struggles
Time on Playground More Beneficial Than Time in the Classroom
America Needs a Playtime Intervention
Nature Play
Childs Play Helps Build a Better Brain
Risk Taking: What if I Fail?
Why Fewer Toys Benefits Your Kids
The Value of Play
Does Outdoor Play Make Kids Smarter
Why Rough and Tumble Play is Important
Lack of Time Children Spend Outdoors
How Finland Keeps Kids Focused
Can Free Play Prevent Depression & Anxiety in Kids
Why Free Play is the Best Summer School
Schemas In Children's Play
What Big Body Play is and Why It's Important
Play, Spirit and Character
Play Brain Connections
Messy Play for Messy Intolerant
Free Play and Kids Success
Ditching Plastic Toys for Sticks and Mud
Playful Learning Key to Prosperity
Health Benefits From Free Play
Preferences for Gendered Toys are not Innate
How Process Art Experiences Support Preschoolers
The Play Deficit
Go Out and Play Kit
How Dramatic Play Supports Literacy Development
Baby Yoga Bedtime Rituals
Sound Exploration for Toddlers
Five Activities for Scissor Practice
7 Pure Process Only Art Activities for Toddlers
The Need for Pretend Play in Childhood
The Science of Play
Advice from the OT: Why Kids Need Recess and PE for Academic Success
10 Reasons Play Can Make You Healthy, Happy, and More Productive
Let Me Play! (Trust Me, I'm Learning)
Restricting Children's Play May Harm Them
Causes of Students’ Emotion Fragility: Five Perspectives
A Day in the Life of a Child With Slow Processing Speed
Don’t Make Your Child Say ‘I’m Sorry’-what to do instead
What Screen Time and Screen Media Does to Your Child’s Brain and Sensory Processing Ability
You Can't Force Sharing. You Can Only Inspire It
Distinguishing defiance from anxiety: what to do with a child that worries
How the WAY We Talk to Boys May be Stunting Them
The #1 Way to End Power Struggles and it Works Every Time
Kids Don't Fail, Schools Fail Kids
Kindergarteners Get Little Time to Play. Why Does it Matter?
Science Says A "Suck it Up" Parenting Style Kind of Sucks
Yes. My Child is Entitled to be a Child
Nurturing Creativity (How I Learned to Shut Up)
Games for parents that are too tired to play
Try Out Slow Parenting
Too much too young: is nursery stressing my child out?
Girls and Their Frenemies
How to Be a Quiet Adult: Five Tips to Encourage Child Directed Play
Anxiety in Kids: How to Turn it Around and Protect Them for Life
Is It Ok For Your Kids To Pretend To Shoot Each Other?
How to Un-Entitle Your Kids
Tantrum Tamers: 32 Phrases to Use With 3 and 4 Year Olds-A. Nair
How to Raise a Creative Child. Step One: Back Off
If gentle discipline isn't working…This might be the reason
Growth Mindset Picture Books
Music in Reading Has a Direct Impact on Development
Our Stupid Questions
Calming Your Clingy Child
5 Things That Happened When I Stopped Making my Kids Share
In Parenting, it's ok to go Against the Grain
On the Wildness of Children
But How do They Learn to Read?
Why You Shouldn't Teach Your Kids to Share
Tickling kids can do more harm than good
The Misguided Desire of Wanting our Kids to be Happy
The Disease of Being Busy-2016
Infant attention span suffers when parents eyes wander during playtime
10 Things to Never Say to Parents of a Child with Sensory Processing Disorder
Why I Don't Teach SCLANS
What it's like in an Introvert's Head
Children teach themselves to Read-P. Gray
RIE Inspired Tenets for Raising Kids Respectfully
Why Challenge is Important for Children's Emotional Intelligence-Ashley Soderlund-
Creativity is Not Correct
Early Drawing and Writing for Crayon Eaters and Paper Rippers
The Power of Thinking Like a Preschooler
6 ways to stop helicopter parenting young children
Allowing Children to Bloom in Season
Present but Absent Parent-R. Norman
Accepting Grandparents Good Intentions
Taming a 4 Year olds behavior without using time-outs-M. Leahy
Go slow, voice low
Don't Leave a Testing Toddler Hanging
When Your Child Won't Participate
Why It's Great to Have a Stubborn Child-D. Gorman
Aggression from Other Kids: 6 Steps to Help Your Child Find His Voice
3 Things you Shouldn't Say to Children
Playdate Rules that Limit Learning and What to try Instead
Why Nagging Never Works and What Really Creates Responsible Behavior-L.Petro
The Magic Greeting and Hugging Family
Quick Fix for Pouting Kid
Why Lazy Parenting is Good for Us and Our Kids-P. Mckay
Hereditary Trauma Passed Down (study suggests)
7 Reasons to Stop Mom Judging-L. Coffey
Not Teaching Parents about Brain Development is a Public Health Failure-G.Halvorson
7 Reasons Not to Force Sharing
Helping Toddlers Understand Emotions-C. Lerner
How Today's Preschool are Actually Harming Your Kids-K. Schweitzer
Zen & the Art of Early Childhood Education-R. Cohen
Helping Children Say Goodbye Without Distracting-E. Plank
Helping Toddlers Understand Emotion is Key to Development-Michigan State University
Car Seat Tantrums
Share-Wait Your Turn-Don't Touch-Rules that Limit Learning and What to do Instead
Your Child is Not Falling Behind
The Disease of Being Busy-O. Safi
Love can't eliminate negative effects of helicopter parenting
Tips to Avoid Over Protective Parenting-H. Johnson
Advice for Parents of Special Needs
Why Not Draw for a Child
5 Ways to Understand Toddlers-J. Milliken
Educating Adults on Play
Helping a Toddler that Hits
6 Words that will End Picky Eating-L.Anderson
This Really Isn't Kindergarten Anymore-V. Strauss
11 Things I Wish Every Parent Knew-S. Cowan
7 Important Rules for Potty Training Success-S. Hodges
Love and Merit-D. Brooks
Tantrum Tamers to use with 3 and 4 Year Olds-A.Nair
Why I am Not Getting Your Child Ready for Kindergarten
Why barefoot is best for children
Why Choosing Battles May Not be Effective Strategy
Raising a Strong Willed Child
Parenting Your Strong-Willed Child-Dr. Laura
Preschooler Anxiety
Why Preschool Shouldn't be like School - A. Gopnik
Let's Slow Down
The Trouble with Calls for Universal High Quality pre-K-Alfie Kohn
Need Your Child's Cooperation? Try this.....
Understanding Behaviors in a New Way
Strong Parental Bond Help Protect from Future Anxiety
Don't be Worried About Name Writing
Napping Beyond 2 Could Ruin Sleep Quality
Experiencing Death and Grief
Smartphones and Tablets May Damage Toddler Social Development
To the Mom or Dad Who Told Their Child Not to Stare at Mine
The Day I Stopped Saying Hurry Up
Reading Instruction in Kindergarten: Little to Gain and Much to Lose
Why Preschool Shouldn't be Like School
Dark Time for Education
The Last Generation of Kids That Played Outside
How to Start Good Eating Habits
Guide to Handle Agression with Vigorous Snuggle
Too Many Structured Activities Hinder Children's Executive Functioning
The Building Blocks of a Good Pre-K
Raising Independent kids & Self-Directed Learners
Bond Through Reading with Mem Fox
Your Toddlers Developmental Roadmap
Why Play is Important in Preschool Classrooms
Reading at Five: Why?
How Helicopter Parents are Ruining College Students
Should Children Run Wild in Museums
Why the Whining and 4 Steps to Eventual Peace
Struggling with Boundaries
Toddler Testing Behaviors and How to Cope
10 Ways to Fix the Mess That is Kindergarten
Easing Transitions
Don't Contain Your Baby
Raise Children with Social Intelligence
Alternatives to Good Job
How to Teach Child Not to Interrupt
Plugged in Parenting
Survival Guide for Highly Sensitive Parents
This and That 
Managing Teacher Stress
Why Go To Storytime
Halloween and Sensory Issues