The More We Get Together
Mommy & Me / Sing With Me Music & Movement Classes
Wednesday Sing With Me class now on Zoom!
Sing With Me: The Program
Sing With Me: Song Titles
Sing With Me: Reviews
Sing With Me: Examples
Travel Totes
Message from Gari Stein
Calendar Events
Research Tells Us
Workshop Handouts
Professional Development
Interactive Community Concerts
Children and Music
Michigan Reads! Guide
 Play, Laughter, Song & Dance News Interview
Music & Motion KinderConcerts
Ann Arbor Symphony
This is our Spring 2020 KinderConcert (1st virtual ever)
This is our Winter 2021 KinderConcert
In Tune With Babies
Now I know my ABC's . . . Is That What It's All About?
So . . . What Can Those Babies Do?
Nurturing Baby & You: More Than the Music
Music & Movement For the Very Young
Music and Parenting: Somewhat Like A Symphony
What? Me, Teach Dance?

Interested in a Monthly Activity Idea or Sing With Me Summer Workshop?
For more information or request to be added to her mailing list, Send Gari an email 
Exactly what is included? Materials include everything needed to equip
the non-musician to seasoned singer to provide a rich musical environment,
everyday, all year long, with effective teaching tools developing lifelong
skills in a foundation of fun. |
What Is Sing With Me?
More than lesson plans, Sing With Me addresses the adult's comfort level and provides support, information, direction, demonstration, instruction and guidance. Over 200 musical activities, 300 minutes of audio musical fun and 72 minutes of available visual reinforcement, help ensure that the teacher/caregiver has everything necessary to feel competent and well equipped to sing and dance with young children. Materials, methods and philosophies used were gathered from experts in Music Education for Early Childhood.
The search for materials for young children can be frustrating and often educators rely on recorded music that may not be developmentally appropriate. Much of the commercially produced music geared to our youngest population is often too loud, too fast, too busy. Sing With Me is chocked full of materials that are good for children. Based in the richness of traditional folk music, except for the instrumentals and lullabies, the program is recorded a cappella, which is supported by research to peak listening.
Songs are presented in fun-easy to learn-short segments and simple form that keep children moving. Along with nursery rhymes and melodies, much of the program uses tunes in new ways. Some songs may be familiar but the design of the methodology speaks to young children, peaks their interest, sharpens their listening skills and gets them moving purposefully, with lots of room for creativity.

Why Sing and Dance With Young Children?
All children are born with the potential to be musical and learn through movement and absorbing. Research findings show that the early years offer an optimal window for nurturing that potential, and support the importance of music and movement in the Early Childhood Curriculum. Information travels to the brain from moving up and down, back and forth and side to side which is incorporated throughout Sing With Me.
Children often sing to self-comfort and can help children and adults with waiting or in challenging situations. Musical aptitude may be a separate intelligence and for many children, possibly their only form of self-expression. Musical experiences can help enhance learning, listening and literacy while providing tools to promote social and emotional success. Music should also be recognized as an art form and appreciated for its pure enjoyment and enriching qualities.

Why Do Music Everyday? Making music is always a joyous experience for young children, which is reason enough to include it on a daily basis. Other benefits of providing appropriate musical activities everyday are:
Instantly transforms cranky to calm
- Enriches all domains of development
- Nourishes the brain
- Impacts learning
- Affects staff productivity and efficiency
- Decreases stress and increases energy
- Boosts staff morale and sense of well being for all
- Brings people together creating community
- Fosters acts of kindness and co-operation
- Music, unlike other activities, provides an instant connection for most children
- Cost is minimal
- Music matters and can be available to everyone, anywhere, anytime
Each SING WITH ME CD (Volumes 1-4) includes:
- Using Old Tunes in New Ways
- A How-To Booklet with Parenting Guide
- Detailed Basic Format From Hello-Goodbye
- Fingerplays-Tickles
- Bounces-Chants
- Simple Songs-Melodies
- Standing Up-Movement
- Music for Keeping the Beat-Circle Dance
- Sitting Down-Focused Listening
- Activities for Percussion Instruments
- Voice and Tempo Exploration
- Music for Dancing W/Ribbons & Scarves
- Rock & Row-Lullabies
- Step by Step Directions
- Infant Activities & Materials adaptable for K-2nd Grade
- Words & Motions to 35 Songs & Activities
Your choice of 5 Educational
__ CD Volumes 1 thru 4 each comes with a 28 Page How To Booklet
& Parenting Guide.
Are We There Yet? CD
__ CD comes with an 8 page booklet of Travel Tips.
- Vol 1. Summer Tunes (35 tunes)
- Vol 2. Fall Frolic (35 tunes)
- Vol 3. Winter Fun (36 tunes)
- Vol 4. Spring Songs (35 tunes)
- Are We There Yet? (52 Additional Tunes with an 8 page booklet
of Travel Tips)
click here for a list of the titles on each CD
Includes 52 Additional Tunes & 8 Page Travel Tips Booklet
A DVD that is instructional and also geared for children to watch on a
rainy day and interact with. This DVD has 72 minutes of class demonstrations
- children in group settings & with caregivers, examples from Basic Format
and includes activities NOT on SING WITH ME CDs.
Two months, two complete lessons per CD
Choice of one - $10.00 per CD:
- Jan-Feb
- Mar-Apr
- May-Jun
- Jul-Aug
- Sep-Oct
- Nov-Dec
See the Ordering Page for additional pricing.