From a Dad...The Last Bim Bom for us.....
I have so loved your class with (daughter.) I don't do anything else in my week which is so soft, so pulling me into a soft world of very small children, of moms (and dads and nannies) and their little ones....the soft flow of the movements, the getting up and down, over and over again, the various silly/willy songs, the words of which I can still barely keep up with, even after almost three years of being in the class....
it's a morning wake-up yoga class for me....and it's been a really bonding and lovely time for (daughter) and me.... it will live on with me, as she gets older, and I do.
From Rita Bunghart, Pella IA from the ECMMA North Central Conference:
Gari Stein, in her presentation "Rock-A-Bye Babies: Music and Movement for Infants to 3s" demonstrated a calm and stimulating program. Her many examples of simple songs with appropriate movement modeled varied ways to rock, sway , bounce and dance with music. One of the most impressive elements in Gari's working with the class was her use of silence. Often in the process of singing and moving, Gari would stop and allow time for the child to process the sounds and actions that had just been experienced. This silence seemed to engage the participants and provide time to internalize what had just happened. Gari used many simple and readily available props. She also provided much written documentation and great resource ideas to be explored by the class.
From Sing with Me Mom & Dad / Violin Teacher Participants:
We were at family music camp and our daughter was able to participate in the "pre-pre-twinkle" class which is basically a music and movement class. It was nice and she enjoyed it, but it was nowhere near as well put together as your class. Your class is so well thought through from beginning to end.
More specifically:
- The beginning hellos and warm-up part
- The ending which mirrors beginning and the whisper
- The movements created especially for each song
- All the bah bah bahs
- Listening to different types of music and tape recorder sounds
- Bim bom
- Musical instruments and props
- All tightly organized
It is deceptively simple until one experiences other classes!
From the Washtenaw Intermediate School District:
I just talked with Jovina Coughlin at WISD and she said that her staff felt
that your CD was even better than books for her population. They felt that
for those who could not read well, it offered an easier opportunity to bond
with their young ones.
From Deb Bodner, Clinton-Macomb Public Library:
Writing to say thank you for a wonderful program. It was great fun; everyone thoroughly enjoyed the singing and dancing. We can only hope that parents will continue to sing and dance with their children at home. We forget how much young children can learn through music and movement, and programs such as yours remind us.
You have a wonderful way of keeping the parents in line, reminding them that this is for the children and they need to be both teachers and role models. And you have that amazing trait of being unruffled by wandering children. You were able to get everyone engaged.
Thank you again, for a fabulous program. I know we will be inviting you back.
Dear Gari,
You are wonderful!!!!
I am working as a parent educator/family therapist and I thoroughly enjoy How To Sing and Dance... The director of the family resource center where I work got How to Sing and Dance, and asked me to preview and perhaps incorporate it into the parenting classes I teach. So I was previewing the tapes with my own 2 year old. Now we have to have them for ourselves, and I am buying them for friends and childcare providers.
I have developed a parenting curriculum based on the importance of playing, singing and dance as a family. I am very happy to include these tapes and recommend them to parents. I am happy you have a web site for easy ordering. I can tell the skill, time and creativity that went in preparing these tapes. They are thorough, yet a perfect time length (although we listen to them for hours!), a good balance of listening, finger plays and movement as well as variety of music. I would like more information on buying individual tapes.
Thank you again for your contribution to the development of infants, toddlers and preschoolers.
"I read the guides - listened to the audio cassettes - watched the video and listened to the cassettes again. It was very clear, it all fell into place."
"Your materials have really helped me to do music every day."
Hi Gari,
I purchased your program 4 years ago and have used it as a guide and it
has allowed be to add my own style and creativity! For example, I teach
dance and use dance movements during certain songs. Gari you've done a
great job putting this program together. Your creativity has made my
classes very successful!! I would love to videotape a class for you so
you can see how successful you really are!
30 minutes is the right
amount of time and I like how you change it monthly, by keeping the
beginning, middle and ending are the same, this enables the children to be
familiar with their class but always have something new to look forward to
learning. I really suggest this program to anyone doing baby classes or
Mommy and Me classes. If you need additional info or thoughts about
Gari's program, email me at
Thanks so much Gari!
"John looked up at me and sang BA - he was singing to me - what a joy at five months to hear your child sing to you."
"Everyone in the workshop was 'turned on' by your approach to music for early childhood."
"Gari's music program has changed our way of life in the day care - everything from getting dressed, to eating, to transition, to sleeping has been made easier."
"They learned new songs, techniques and methods through the use of music. Comments were made about the use of music during transition. The ultimate comment by many said, I'm going to use music a lot more."
"I have consistently been impressed with Gari's professionalism, sensitivity & knowledge of child development."
"After 12 years of workshops, I finally learned something new"
"Her class was high energy from start to finish - so many simple ideas - great visuals and physical aides - showing us things that we already have that are useable - So much of this, I did not realize the effect of it."

More Educators' Comments
"Her program has brought the sound of music to our daycare center...Her integration of songs, chants, melodies & stories is extraordinary & has enriched our Kindergarten curriculum..."
"Gari has changed our way of life in our daycare home-everything has been made easier from the techniques she taught me...Happy to have ideas for the babies..."
"After 12 years of workshops, I finally learned something new...Her class was high energy from start to finish...Many simple ideas...Great visuals & physical aides...Showing us things that we already have are usable...So much of this, I did not realize the effect of it...Upbeat teaching..."
"My center's weekly class is extremely boring compared to this...I am going to use music a lot more... I used to be afraid of music, but now I will try...informative & inspiring... Your materials really help me to do music everyday...It was very clear, it all fell into place...Everyone was really 'turned on' by your approach to early childhood...We have tried other music programs at our co-op but Gari's really stand out..."
"Activities I can really do with the toddlers...Even the big kids (1st & 2nd graders) love this stuff...A unique interactive approach to a school assembly...everyone participated on some level...a perfect mix of music and was heartwarming to see young & old together in song and dance...Educationally appropriate and pure fun...The program provided a sense of community..."

More Family Comments
"I can tell the skill, time & creativity that went into preparing these CDs-they are thorough, yet perfect time length (although we listen to them for hours!) a good balance of listening, fingerplays & movement as well as variety of music..."
"Her program is encouraging-it's better than yoga...I have consistently been impressed with Gari's professionalism, sensitivity & knowledge of child development...The integration of the silence is impressive in how the children capture the notion...I recommend her program very enthusiastically..."
"Having simple rhythms as the emphasis rather than just songs & bringing movement aspects of music rather than just voice has been outstanding...Fun, laughter, good music & family favorites..."
"One year ago we adopted a baby from Russia-I ordered your CDs & DVD and planned to teach music to our son-Instead we have played your CDs for him at naptime, bedtime, in the car or around the house when we are having a hard time with transitions-We LOVE your, laughter and good important event of community...Gari's class reminds me that there is still peace & calm in the world..."
